Ah the SemiAnnual clothing swap. You know the one... the kids grow out of the current batch and need to have a rotation. When they're older, and for grown ups, this changes to seasonal where the long sleeves go out and the short come in, but little ones grow out of everything so fast! The good thing: I have more than one of the same gender. The bad thing: it's still a pain to do. I told everyone asking what the baby needed to get Peanut more clothes so BooBoo could grow into them. Still, I have a horde of baby clothes and not terribly many toddler (though I suspect that has more to do with the laundry basket than anything else).
The funniest part of the toddler tantrums is that Peanut has the words... it's easy to forget the emotions of a toddler are not that of any other age group when that's the case. A Tall Smart Geekling who just needs to get bigger and older, poor thing.
So the weirdest thing is that a book I started reading, sure I never had before, is seeming very familiar. I'm sure I wouldn't have Not finished it, but I didn't remember it. So I flipped ahead, and don't remember that bit either... My conclusion is that 1. I read it and Peanut and BooBoo sapped my brain (not unbelievable) or 2. I read something very similar recently and am delusional.
So a thought occurred just now - what would you like to see us produce from our Etsy shop? Considering we're open to just about anything, including personalization, we'd love feedback!
Progress Bar:
Progress Bar:
Sunday Mystery Sampler - still bordering the black, not really tracking by weeks on white but done with angels and going for Mary and Joseph (I'm doing two, one with each pattern - black is MSII, White is MS)
Peanut's - ~24%? (about to start the bottom Bunny and block )
BooBoo's - not started
Gale of Darkness - 50% story with lots more to go
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